2 min readMar 10, 2022

Artifact of Ascension — Artifact of Corruption

The Cerberus have been digging for some time now, some of which have begun discovering interesting items.

The Artifact of Corruption: The oracle has foreseen 111 corrupted coins

Artifact of Corruption

The Artifact of Ascension: The Oracle has foreseen 111 coins of the Ascended

Artifact of Ascension


Each artifact will be used to upgrade your omen with a specific trait. Each token will unlock 5 traits for the limited edition artifact upgrades (5 Corrupted & 5 Ascended) for the following traits:

1 Artifact = 1 Trait upgrade

i) Cerberus Head

ii) Cerberus Ears

iii) Cerberus Skin

iv) Background

v) Collar (Bling)


Your Cerberus will need to be on a powered CHAIN DIG until the four ANCIENT DIG SITES are revealed by the River of STYX Ferryman. Until then, as long as your Cerberus is in a locked stake (7 & 15), there is a chance that your Cerberus will uncover an artifact and bring it to your wallet, no need to claim it.

ALPHA: Chained15 has a higher chance than chained7 to discover an artifact.


Bring your artifact of either corruption or ascendence to the Oracle who will infuse your omen with their upgraded trait (PERMANENTLY). The Oracle currently resides in the discord, until the four dig sites are revealed.

These traits are part of a limited edition set, you will not be able to obtain these artifacts/traits once all 222 are located, leaving this set of trait upgrades to be extremely rare as they are the 1st two full sets of Cerberus upgrades.

Can you OPT OUT of the UPGRADE?

Yes, you do not need to use the artifacts when found. The Omens can save, trade or sell the artifacts for $STYX. Might even want to hold a couple rare traits to combine with other sets, for full customization.

Sneak Peak

HOOD OF HADES (Not final version 😉)

